Do you want to practice Kitesurf or SUP in the most comfortable way? Our equipment is in perfect conditions and it will bring you all the comfort you would need.

During Summer time, Waterproof Kite Club is the big home of our great family. Come to visit us!
We create a pleasant, participatory and fun environment, so that all our students learn this exciting sport immersed in a kitersurfers atmosphere and have an unforgettable experience.
Our training team is composed by graduates in the International kiteboarding Organization (IKO) and the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation ( RFEV ), professionals with extensive experience in kiteboarding. They are in charge of customizing courses provided according to the needs of each student or group. All of them are vocational monitors and each lesson is taken as a personal challenge, they will put all their enthusiasm in making you enjoy the sensations of kite boarding, never forgetting your safety.
La escuela de kite WATERPROOF KITE CLUB is active all year , and we impart our kite surf courses every day of the week. To ensure the best service, we drive to the beach most suited for kite surfing, taking into account the wind conditions. There will also be trips to other beaches located both in Andalusia and in the Portuguese Algarve.